It’s time for a re-boot

Well well well, here I am once again returning to my poor excuse of a blog page, who would have thunk it.

After another extended peiod away from the online scrapbook that is thy beloved wordpress, and allowing my brain to turn to mush, I have decided to re kindle my love affair with writing once again.

The summer months have allowed me to indulge myself in a monotonous and quite frankly lazy routine resulting in a severe lack of self motivation. Working all the hours god sends to fund my final year at uni is all very well and good but it is still incredibly mind numbing. I miss the variety of universtiy life, the independence, the FUN. Now you all may think ‘well that’s your own damn fault’ which is true to an extent; but i think we’re all guilty of a little laziness and self indulgence at some point. My sudden urge to write again has been increasingly fuelled by the ‘fear’ of not living each day to the fullest it can be, trying or learning something new everyday, the want to be able to have something to say when someone asks ‘what have you been up to?’

In all honesty, I’m not entirely sure where I am going with this entry, or what point I am trying to address, but it’s proof that I am actively trying to reboot my brain and it’s four remaing cells in to something slightly functional. It’s a start!

These next two sentences were written then forgotten about and so sadly did not make it into this post. In the near future I hope to be able to think of enough adjectives, verbs and pronouns to join such sentences together:

“not to mention the pitiful lack of blog hits, the number of which has plateaued to very grand nought for the last few months…”

“as I sit here and air drum to my itunes…”

I assure you after a few more posts I will be sharp as a tack and have enough wit to take on the world.

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